3 Things You Can Do To Find The Best Acoustic Guitar To Learn To Play On

by Maurice Richard

Learning how to play guitar on an acoustic guitar is the most popular way people learn how to play.

It is not necessarily the best way to start but in the end most people still choose it and have success.

One thing you need to do when buying a new acoustic guitar is to make sure you buy the right one to help you learn properly.

Here are 3 things you should think about when buying a new acoustic guitar so you can learn how to play it successfully.

the wrong acoustic guitar makes it difficult to learn

1. Get The Acoustic Guitar That Looks The Best To You

What you like is different than what everyone else likes in your life and the same will apply to acoustic guitars.

There so many colours and styles available when you look for acoustic guitars that it can become overwhelming. The good news is this means you will also be more likely to find something you like.

You should take your time and look at as many acoustic guitars as you can before you buy one. Make sure you find the style and colour that attracts you the most.

Some people will argue that the colour of the guitar does not affect your playing and will not help you get better. Technically speaking this is correct.

However, if you buy a guitar you really like it will help you psychologically. You will be much more likely to pick it up and play it. You will also be very proud to show it to others and play with them. 

It is a bigger factor than most people think. Do not discount it.

2. Find The Acoustic Guitar That Sounds Best To You

This is a big deal in my opinion.

Some people can listen to different guitars and not hear the difference. If that is you then you do not have to worry about this at the moment.

Most of us can hear a difference between the sound of one acoustic guitar versus another. So, what you need to do before you decide on the guitar you want is to listen to the sound of as many guitars as you can to find the sound you like best.

Each brand has a unique sound and finding the one that fits you best is very important. If you like the sound your guitar makes every time you pick it up and play it, you will be much more likely to do so.

When learning how to play the acoustic guitar you want to help your motivation as much as possible. Finding the right sound for you will definitely increase your motivation and go a long way to help you learn to play.

3. Find The Acoustic Guitar That Is The Most Comfortable For You

Acoustic guitars come in many sizes, shapes and styles. Not all of these will work well with you.

For example, if you buy a cheap beginner model, which is not really for beginners by the way, you are going to buy a bulky guitar that is made with cheap components. 

The body is typically thick and wide and usually very hard to hold comfortably. Not a good way to start learning to play the acoustic guitar.

I highly recommend spending a bit more money and finding a guitar that suits you the best and that you find easiest to hold and use. That way you can spend your time and energy actually learning how to play guitar instead of learning how to hold it properly.

There are many thin-bodied models available, from many different manufacturers, so look for and find the one that you like the best and invest in yourself!

The thinner body will allow you to hold it and manipulate it much easier so that you can focus on actually playing it instead of trying to constantly get comfortable. 

This is VERY important for a beginning acoustic guitar student.

thin body acoustic guitars are easier to learn on

Now That You Have The Right Guitar Find The Right Teacher

Finding the right guitar for you is a great way to start your journey to learning how to play. You will be happy and proud of your guitar and more motivated to pick it up every single day.

The next and most important factor in successfully learning how to play the acoustic guitar is to find a qualified teacher to show you how to do it the right way the first time. 

A qualified teacher is someone who has been trained to teach guitar. They have specific training on the instrument and on the best strategies to use to help you learn to play the right way in the shortest amount of time.

If you invest in the right guitar for you and then invest again into the best teacher in your area you will be successful and learn to play guitar the way you have always dreamed you could! 

About The Author:

Maurice Richard is a professional guitar teacher that operates out of the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He has been a member of an elite guitar teaching mentorship program since 2007 and has taught many people how to learn to play guitar. Buying the best guitar to learn with is one key to that.

© Maurice Richard Music. All rights reserved.